
Variables maxqda 12
Variables maxqda 12

variables maxqda 12

The List of Code Variables can be opened via Variables > List of Code Variables. User-defined variables are indicated with a blue symbol in the first column – these variables can be modified or deleted as desired. System-defined variables cannot be modified or deleted. The system variables are indicated with a red symbol in the first column of the list of variables.


  • Sentences/Words/Characters – contains the number of sentences/words/characters in text and table documents and in PDF documents.
  • Paragraphs – contains the number of paragraphs in text and table documents.
  • variables maxqda 12

  • PDF Pages – contains the number of pages in PDF documents.
  • Memos – contains the number of memos in the document.
  • Coded segments – contains the number of coded segments in the document.
  • Modified – contains the date, when the document was last edited or codes, memos, or links were added to it.
  • Modified by – contains the name of the user who last edited the document or applied codes, added memos or links to it.
  • Created – contains the date the document was imported or created.
  • Created by – contains the name of the user who was logged in when the document was imported or created.
  • Document name – contains the name of the document.
  • Document group – contains the name of the document group that a particular document is a part of.
  • variables maxqda 12

    When you open the List of Document Variables in a newly created project, the system variables displayed in the image are already defined: The List of Document Variables can be opened via Variables > List of Document Variables. The columns contain the variables, the rows contain the documents for the document variables and the rows contain the codes for the code variables. The data editor displays the data table as a rectangular matrix “rows times columns” in a similar way to statistics programs. In the variable list, all variables defined in the project are listed in tabular form. grounded theory, discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis, using the software. Two views are available in MAXQDA for handling variables: the variable list and the data editor. This book presents strategies for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods data with MAXQDA software, and provides guidance on implementing a variety of research methods and approaches, e.g. In this way, you can, for example, activate codes by defined criteria. Code variables in MAXQDA make it possible for you to apply variable values to coded segments and use them as selection criteria during the analysis process.

    Variables maxqda 12